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+ D.1. /etc/rc.d/init.d/rc
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+ <h1 class="sect1">
+ <a id="rc" name="rc"></a>D.1. /etc/rc.d/init.d/rc
+ </h1>
+ <div class="wrap" lang="ru" xml:lang="ru">
+ <p>
+ Скрипт <code class="systemitem">rc</code> это первый скрипт,
+ вызываемый системой инициализации <span class=
+ "application">init</span> и инициирующий процесс загрузки.
+ </p>
+ <pre class="screen">#!/bin/bash
+# Begin rc
+# Description : Main Run Level Control Script
+# Authors : Gerard Beekmans -
+# : DJ Lucas -
+# Updates : Bruce Dubbs -
+# : Pierre Labastie -
+# Version : LFS 7.0
+# Notes : Updates March 24th, 2022: new semantics of S/K files
+# - Instead of testing that S scripts were K scripts in the
+# previous runlevel, test that they were not S scripts
+# - Instead of testing that K scripts were S scripts in the
+# previous runlevel, test that they were not K scripts
+# - S scripts in runlevel 0 or 6 are now run with
+# "script start" (was "script stop" previously).
+. /lib/lsb/init-functions
+ log_failure_msg
+ # $i is set when called
+ MSG="FAILURE:\n\nYou should not be reading this error message.\n\n"
+ MSG="${MSG}It means that an unforeseen error took place in\n"
+ MSG="${MSG}${i},\n"
+ MSG="${MSG}which exited with a return value of ${error_value}.\n"
+ MSG="${MSG}If you're able to track this error down to a bug in one of\n"
+ MSG="${MSG}the files provided by the ${DISTRO_MINI} book,\n"
+ MSG="${MSG}please be so kind to inform us at ${DISTRO_CONTACT}.\n"
+ log_failure_msg "${MSG}"
+ log_info_msg "Press Enter to continue..."
+ wait_for_user
+ # $i is set when called
+ if [ ! -f ${i} ]; then
+ log_warning_msg "${i} is not a valid symlink."
+ fi
+ if [ ! -x ${i} ]; then
+ log_warning_msg "${i} is not executable, skipping."
+ fi
+ if [ -z $interactive ]; then
+ ${1} ${2}
+ return $?
+ fi
+ while true; do
+ read -p "Run ${1} ${2} (Yes/no/continue)? " -n 1 runit
+ echo
+ case ${runit} in
+ c | C)
+ interactive=""
+ ${i} ${2}
+ ret=${?}
+ break;
+ ;;
+ n | N)
+ return 0
+ ;;
+ y | Y)
+ ${i} ${2}
+ ret=${?}
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ return $ret
+# Read any local settings/overrides
+[ -r /etc/sysconfig/ ] &amp;&amp; source /etc/sysconfig/
+DISTRO=${DISTRO:-"Linux From Scratch"}
+DISTRO_CONTACT=${DISTRO_CONTACT:-" (Registration required)"}
+# These 3 signals will not cause our script to exit
+trap "" INT QUIT TSTP
+[ "${1}" != "" ] &amp;&amp; runlevel=${1}
+if [ "${runlevel}" == "" ]; then
+ echo "Usage: ${0} &lt;runlevel&gt;" &gt;&amp;2
+ exit 1
+[ "${previous}" == "" ] &amp;&amp; previous=N
+if [ ! -d /etc/rc.d/rc${runlevel}.d ]; then
+ log_info_msg "/etc/rc.d/rc${runlevel}.d does not exist.\n"
+ exit 1
+if [ "$runlevel" == "6" -o "$runlevel" == "0" ]; then IPROMPT="no"; fi
+# Note: In ${LOGLEVEL:-7}, it is ':' 'dash' '7', not minus 7
+if [ "$runlevel" == "S" ]; then
+ [ -r /etc/sysconfig/console ] &amp;&amp; source /etc/sysconfig/console
+ dmesg -n "${LOGLEVEL:-7}"
+if [ "${IPROMPT}" == "yes" -a "${runlevel}" == "S" ]; then
+ # The total length of the distro welcome string, without escape codes
+ wlen=${wlen:-$(echo "Welcome to ${DISTRO}" | wc -c )}
+ welcome_message=${welcome_message:-"Welcome to ${INFO}${DISTRO}${NORMAL}"}
+ # The total length of the interactive string, without escape codes
+ ilen=${ilen:-$(echo "Press 'I' to enter interactive startup" | wc -c )}
+ i_message=${i_message:-"Press '${FAILURE}I${NORMAL}' to enter interactive startup"}
+ # dcol and icol are spaces before the message to center the message
+ # on screen. itime is the amount of wait time for the user to press a key
+ wcol=$(( ( ${COLUMNS} - ${wlen} ) / 2 ))
+ icol=$(( ( ${COLUMNS} - ${ilen} ) / 2 ))
+ itime=${itime:-"3"}
+ echo -e "\n\n"
+ echo -e "\\033[${wcol}G${welcome_message}"
+ echo -e "\\033[${icol}G${i_message}${NORMAL}"
+ echo ""
+ read -t "${itime}" -n 1 interactive 2&gt;&amp;1 &gt; /dev/null
+# Make lower case
+[ "${interactive}" == "I" ] &amp;&amp; interactive="i"
+[ "${interactive}" != "i" ] &amp;&amp; interactive=""
+# Read the state file if it exists from runlevel S
+[ -r /run/interactive ] &amp;&amp; source /run/interactive
+# Stop all services marked as K, except if marked as K in the previous
+# runlevel: it is the responsibility of the script to not try to kill
+# a non running service
+if [ "${previous}" != "N" ]; then
+ for i in $(ls -v /etc/rc.d/rc${runlevel}.d/K* 2&gt; /dev/null)
+ do
+ check_script_status
+ if [ "${SCRIPT_STAT}" == "1" ]; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ suffix=${i#/etc/rc.d/rc${runlevel}.d/K[0-9][0-9]}
+ [ -e /etc/rc.d/rc${previous}.d/K[0-9][0-9]$suffix ] &amp;&amp; continue
+ run ${i} stop
+ error_value=${?}
+ if [ "${error_value}" != "0" ]; then print_error_msg; fi
+ done
+if [ "${previous}" == "N" ]; then export IN_BOOT=1; fi
+if [ "$runlevel" == "6" -a -n "${FASTBOOT}" ]; then
+ touch /fastboot
+# Start all services marked as S in this runlevel, except if marked as
+# S in the previous runlevel
+# it is the responsibility of the script to not try to start an already running
+# service
+for i in $( ls -v /etc/rc.d/rc${runlevel}.d/S* 2&gt; /dev/null)
+ if [ "${previous}" != "N" ]; then
+ suffix=${i#/etc/rc.d/rc${runlevel}.d/S[0-9][0-9]}
+ [ -e /etc/rc.d/rc${previous}.d/S[0-9][0-9]$suffix ] &amp;&amp; continue
+ fi
+ check_script_status
+ if [ "${SCRIPT_STAT}" == "1" ]; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ run ${i} start
+ error_value=${?}
+ if [ "${error_value}" != "0" ]; then print_error_msg; fi
+# Store interactive variable on switch from runlevel S and remove if not
+if [ "${runlevel}" == "S" -a "${interactive}" == "i" ]; then
+ echo "interactive=\"i\"" &gt; /run/interactive
+ rm -f /run/interactive 2&gt; /dev/null
+# Copy the boot log on initial boot only
+if [ "${previous}" == "N" -a "${runlevel}" != "S" ]; then
+ cat $BOOTLOG &gt;&gt; /var/log/boot.log
+ # Mark the end of boot
+ echo "--------" &gt;&gt; /var/log/boot.log
+ # Remove the temporary file
+ rm -f $BOOTLOG 2&gt; /dev/null
+# End rc
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