diff options
authorSn4il <sn4il@thedroth.rocks>2024-04-02 21:47:05 +0300
committerSn4il <sn4il@thedroth.rocks>2024-04-02 21:47:05 +0300
commit5130725ef2e83c7fd27709d8addd4b28d2322743 (patch)
parentd319d894da2be96eaca81aeca62c4f53bb528c56 (diff)
Add icewm config
8 files changed, 2188 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/icewm/keys b/icewm/keys
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73b0949
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm/keys
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# This is an example for icewm 3.3.0 hotkey definition file.
+# It will be installed as /usr/share/icewm/keys.
+# Place your variants in /etc/icewm or in $HOME/.icewm since
+# modifications to this file will be overwritten when you reinstall icewm.
+# A list of all valid keyboard symbols can be found in
+# /usr/include/X11/keysym.h, keysymdefs.h, XF86keysym.h, ...
+# You'll have to omit XK_ prefixs and to replace XF86XK_ prefixes by
+# XF86. Valid modifiers are Alt, Ctrl, Shift, Meta, Super and Hyper.
+key "Super+t" kitty
+key "Super+r" rofi -modi drun,run -show drun
+key "Super+g" kitty amfora
+key "Super+n" dunstctl close-all
+key "Super+m" audacious
+key "Super+f" thunar
+key "Super+KP_Subtract" pamixer -d 5
+key "Super+KP_Add" pamixer -i 5
+# "Multimedia key" bindings for Xorg. Gather the keycodes of your
+# advanced function keys by watching the output of the xev command whilest
+# pressing those keys and map those symbols by using xmodmap.
+# Note: some of them might have unwanted side effects through concurrency with
+# other listeners like systemd for the suspend key events
+# key "XF86Standby" loginctl suspend
+# key "XF86Sleep" loginctl suspend
+key "XF86AudioLowerVolume" pamixer -d 5
+key "XF86AudioRaiseVolume" pamixer -i 5
+key "XF86AudioMute" pamixer -t
+key "XF86HomePage" xdg-open about:blank
+key "XF86Search" xdg-open https://www.google.com
+key "XF86Eject" eject
+key "XF86Calculator" /bin/sh -c "gnome-calculator || xcalc || ( type bc >/dev/null 2>&1 && xterm -e bc -l)"
+switchkey "Super+p" icewm-menu-xrandr
diff --git a/icewm/menu b/icewm/menu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..943295a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm/menu
@@ -0,0 +1,558 @@
+menu "Audio" folder {
+menu "AudioVideoEditing" folder {
+prog "Audacity" org.audacityteam.Audacity icewm-menu-fdo "/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/applications/org.audacityteam.Audacity.desktop"
+prog "EasyTAG" easytag easytag
+prog "Kid3" kid3-qt kid3-qt
+prog "Elisa" elisa elisa
+menu "Mixer" folder {
+prog "Регулятор громкости PulseAudio" multimedia-volume-control pavucontrol
+menu "Player" folder {
+prog "Audacious" audacious audacious
+prog "Clementine" org.clementine_player.Clementine clementine
+prog "MPlayer Media Player" mplayer gmplayer
+prog "QtAV Player" QtAV icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/Player.desktop"
+prog "QtAV QML Player" QtAV icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/QMLPlayer.desktop"
+prog "Recorder" com.github.alexkdeveloper.recorder icewm-menu-fdo "/home/sn4il/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/applications/com.github.alexkdeveloper.recorder.desktop"
+prog "Аудиоредактор Kwave" kwave kwave
+prog "Проигрыватель mpv" mpv icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/mpv.desktop"
+prog "PulseAudio System Tray" pasystray pasystray
+menu "AudioVideo" folder {
+menu "AudioVideoEditing" folder {
+prog "Audacity" org.audacityteam.Audacity icewm-menu-fdo "/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/applications/org.audacityteam.Audacity.desktop"
+prog "EasyTAG" easytag easytag
+prog "Kdenlive" kdenlive kdenlive
+prog "Kid3" kid3-qt kid3-qt
+prog "Pitivi" org.pitivi.Pitivi icewm-menu-fdo "/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/applications/org.pitivi.Pitivi.desktop"
+menu "DiscBurning" folder {
+prog "K3b" k3b k3b
+prog "Elisa" elisa elisa
+prog "Kamoso" kamoso icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kamoso.desktop"
+menu "Music" folder {
+prog "Recorder" com.github.alexkdeveloper.recorder icewm-menu-fdo "/home/sn4il/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/applications/com.github.alexkdeveloper.recorder.desktop"
+menu "Player" folder {
+prog "Audacious" audacious audacious
+prog "Clementine" org.clementine_player.Clementine clementine
+prog "Dragon Player" dragonplayer dragon
+prog "JuK" juk juk
+prog "MPlayer Media Player" mplayer gmplayer
+prog "QtAV Player" QtAV icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/Player.desktop"
+prog "QtAV QML Player" QtAV icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/QMLPlayer.desktop"
+prog "XMMS" xmms xmms
+prog "xine" xine xine
+prog "Аудиоредактор Kwave" kwave kwave
+prog "Проигрыватель mpv" mpv icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/mpv.desktop"
+prog "PulseAudio System Tray" pasystray pasystray
+prog "Qt V4L2 test Utility" qv4l2 qv4l2
+prog "Qt V4L2 video capture utility" qvidcap qvidcap
+menu "Recorder" folder {
+prog "SimpleScreenRecorder" simplescreenrecorder simplescreenrecorder --logfile
+prog "Регулятор громкости PulseAudio" multimedia-volume-control pavucontrol
+menu "Game" folder {
+menu "BoardGame" folder {
+prog "Bovo" bovo icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.bovo.desktop"
+prog "KBlackBox" kblackbox icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kblackbox.desktop"
+prog "KFourInLine" kfourinline kfourinline
+prog "KMahjongg" kmahjongg icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kmahjongg.desktop"
+prog "KReversi" kreversi icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kreversi.desktop"
+prog "KSquares" ksquares icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.ksquares.desktop"
+prog "Kigo" kigo icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kigo.desktop"
+prog "Kiriki" kiriki icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kiriki.desktop"
+prog "Knights" knights icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.knights.desktop"
+prog "Xboard" xboard xboard
+prog "eboard" /usr/share/pixmaps/chess.png eboard
+prog "Ши-сен-сё" kshisen icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kshisen.desktop"
+menu "KidsGame" folder {
+prog "Blinken" blinken blinken
+prog "KHangMan" khangman icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.khangman.desktop"
+prog "Kanagram" kanagram kanagram
+menu "LogicGame" folder {
+prog "KDiamond" kdiamond icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kdiamond.desktop"
+prog "KSudoku" ksudoku icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.ksudoku.desktop"
+prog "Kubrick" kubrick kubrick
+prog "Palapeli" palapeli palapeli
+prog "Picmi" picmi picmi
+prog "Shadowrun Hong Kong - Extended Edition" /home/sn4il/GOG Games/Shadowrun Hong Kong Extended Edition/support/icon.png "/home/sn4il/GOG Games/Shadowrun Hong Kong Extended Edition/start.sh" ""
+prog "Shadowrun Hong Kong - Extended Edition (Editor)" /home/sn4il/GOG Games/Shadowrun Hong Kong Extended Edition/support/icon.png "/home/sn4il/GOG Games/Shadowrun Hong Kong Extended Edition/start.sh" "-e"
+menu "StrategyGame" folder {
+prog "KAtomic" katomic icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.katomic.desktop"
+prog "KJumpingCube" kjumpingcube icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kjumpingcube.desktop"
+prog "KMines" kmines icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kmines.desktop"
+prog "KNetWalk" knetwalk icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.knetwalk.desktop"
+prog "Killbots" killbots icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.killbots.desktop"
+prog "Klickety" klickety icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.klickety.desktop"
+prog "Kolor Lines" klines icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.klines.desktop"
+prog "Konquest" konquest icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.konquest.desktop"
+prog "KsirK" ksirk icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.ksirk.desktop"
+prog "Naval Battle" knavalbattle icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.knavalbattle.desktop"
+prog "Игра Same" ksame icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.ksame.desktop"
+prog "Редактор игрового поля KsirK" preferences-desktop-locale icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.ksirkskineditor.desktop"
+prog "xsnow" xsnow xsnow
+menu "Аркады" applications-games-arcade {
+prog "Bomber" bomber icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.bomber.desktop"
+prog "Granatier" granatier granatier
+prog "KBlocks" kblocks icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kblocks.desktop"
+prog "KBounce" kbounce icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kbounce.desktop"
+prog "KBreakOut" kbreakout icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kbreakout.desktop"
+prog "KGoldrunner" kgoldrunner kgoldrunner
+prog "KSpaceDuel" kspaceduel icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kspaceduel.desktop"
+prog "Kapman" kapman kapman
+prog "Kolf" kolf kolf
+prog "Kollision" kollision kollision
+prog "Дуэль KSnake" ksnakeduel ksnakeduel
+menu "Карточные игры" applications-games-card {
+prog "KPatience" kpat icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kpat.desktop"
+prog "LSkat" lskat lskat
+menu "Video" folder {
+menu "AudioVideoEditing" folder {
+prog "Pitivi" org.pitivi.Pitivi icewm-menu-fdo "/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/applications/org.pitivi.Pitivi.desktop"
+menu "Player" folder {
+prog "MPlayer Media Player" mplayer gmplayer
+prog "QtAV Player" QtAV icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/Player.desktop"
+prog "QtAV QML Player" QtAV icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/QMLPlayer.desktop"
+prog "Проигрыватель mpv" mpv icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/mpv.desktop"
+menu "Recorder" folder {
+prog "SimpleScreenRecorder" simplescreenrecorder simplescreenrecorder --logfile
+menu "Графика" applications-graphics {
+menu "2DGraphics" folder {
+prog "GNU Image Manipulation Program" gimp gimp-2.10
+prog "KolourPaint" kolourpaint kolourpaint
+prog "Krita" krita krita
+prog "XPaint" xpaint xpaint
+prog "XSane (Scanner Tool)" xsane xsane
+prog "KColorChooser" kcolorchooser kcolorchooser
+prog "KRuler" kruler kruler
+prog "Karbon" calligrakarbon karbon
+prog "Kontrast" org.kde.kontrast kontrast
+menu "Photography" folder {
+prog "digiKam" digikam icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.digikam.desktop"
+prog "showFoto" showfoto icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.showfoto.desktop"
+menu "Scanning" folder {
+prog "Skanlite" org.kde.skanlite skanlite
+menu "Viewer" folder {
+prog "Geeqie" geeqie icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/geeqie.desktop"
+prog "Gwenview" gwenview gwenview
+prog "Okular" okular okular
+prog "X PDF" xpdfIcon xpdf
+prog "xfig" xfig /usr/bin/xfig
+menu "Настройка" preferences-system {
+menu "DesktopSettings" folder {
+prog "Text Editor Settings" org.xfce.mousepad mousepad --preferences
+prog "XScreenSaver Settings" xscreensaver xscreensaver-settings
+prog "Менеджер питания" org.xfce.powermanager xfce4-power-manager-settings
+prog "Настройка внешнего вида" preferences-desktop-theme lxappearance
+prog "Настройки менеджера файлов" org.xfce.thunar thunar-settings
+prog "Настройки терминала Xfce" org.xfce.terminal-settings xfce4-terminal --preferences
+prog "Съёмные устройства и носители данных" org.xfce.volman thunar-volman-settings
+menu "HardwareSettings" folder {
+prog "Bluetooth менеджер" blueman blueman-manager
+prog "Настройка KDE Connect" kdeconnect kdeconnect-settings
+prog "Настройки принтера" printer system-config-printer
+prog "Wacom Tablet finder" preferences-desktop-tablet kde_wacom_tabletfinder
+prog "Wine Configuration" winecfg winecfg
+prog "Настройка Fcitx" fcitx fcitx-configtool
+prog "Параметры IBus" ibus-setup ibus-setup
+prog "Параметры системы KDE" preferences-system systemsettings5
+prog "Расширенная конфигурация сети" preferences-system-network nm-connection-editor
+prog "Регулятор громкости PulseAudio" multimedia-volume-control pavucontrol
+menu "Наука" applications-science {
+menu "Astronomy" folder {
+prog "KStars" kstars kstars
+menu "Chemistry" folder {
+prog "Kalzium" kalzium icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kalzium.desktop"
+menu "Geoscience" folder {
+prog "KDE Marble" marble marble
+prog "Marble" marble marble-qt
+menu "Математика" applications-education-mathematics {
+prog "Cantor" cantor icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.cantor.desktop"
+prog "KAlgebra" kalgebra kalgebra
+prog "Rocs" rocs icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.rocs.desktop"
+prog "XaoS" xaos xaos
+prog "Мобильная KAlgebra" kalgebra kalgebramobile
+menu "Образование" applications-science {
+menu "Astronomy" folder {
+prog "KStars" kstars kstars
+prog "Blinken" blinken blinken
+menu "Chemistry" folder {
+prog "Kalzium" kalzium icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kalzium.desktop"
+menu "ComputerScience" folder {
+prog "KTurtle" kturtle icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kturtle.desktop"
+menu "Geography" folder {
+prog "KGeography" kgeography kgeography
+menu "Geoscience" folder {
+prog "KDE Marble" marble marble
+prog "Marble" marble marble-qt
+prog "KTouch" ktouch ktouch
+prog "Kiwix" org.kiwix.desktop icewm-menu-fdo "/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/applications/org.kiwix.desktop.desktop"
+menu "Music" folder {
+prog "Minuet" minuet minuet
+menu "Physics" folder {
+prog "Step" step icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.step.desktop"
+menu "Математика" applications-education-mathematics {
+prog "Cantor" cantor icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.cantor.desktop"
+prog "KAlgebra" kalgebra kalgebra
+prog "KBruch" kbruch icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kbruch.desktop"
+prog "Kig" kig icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kig.desktop"
+prog "KmPlot" kmplot kmplot
+prog "Rocs" rocs icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.rocs.desktop"
+prog "XaoS" xaos xaos
+prog "Мобильная KAlgebra" kalgebra kalgebramobile
+menu "Языки" applications-education-language {
+prog "Artikulate" artikulate icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.artikulate.desktop"
+prog "KHangMan" khangman icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.khangman.desktop"
+prog "KWordQuiz" kwordquiz icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kwordquiz.desktop"
+prog "Kanagram" kanagram kanagram
+prog "Kiten" kiten icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kiten.desktop"
+prog "Parley" parley parley
+menu "Офис" applications-office {
+menu "Calendar" folder {
+prog "KOrganizer" korganizer korganizer
+prog "Calligra Gemini" calligragemini calligragemini
+menu "ContactManagement" folder {
+prog "KAddressBook" kaddressbook kaddressbook
+prog "Редактор оформлений контактов" kaddressbook contactthemeeditor
+prog "Редактор оформлений контактов для печати" kaddressbook contactprintthemeeditor
+menu "Email" folder {
+prog "KMail" kmail icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kmail2.desktop"
+prog "KTnef" ktnef ktnef
+prog "Импорт почтового ящика" kmail mboximporter
+prog "Почтовый клиент RuPost Desktop" rupost-desktop rupost-desktop
+prog "Редактор оформления заголовков KMail" kmail headerthemeeditor
+prog "Удаление неиспользуемых параметров KMail" kmail icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kmail-refresh-settings.desktop"
+menu "Finance" folder {
+prog "KMyMoney" kmymoney kmymoney
+prog "Online Quotes Editor" onlinequoteseditor5 onlinequoteseditor5
+prog "KTimeTracker" ktimetracker ktimetracker
+prog "Karbon" calligrakarbon karbon
+prog "Kontact" kontact kontact
+prog "Lokalize" lokalize lokalize
+prog "Plan WorkPackage Handler" calligraplanwork calligraplanwork
+menu "Presentation" folder {
+prog "Calligra Stage" calligrastage calligrastage
+menu "ProjectManagement" folder {
+prog "Plan" calligraplan calligraplan
+menu "Publishing" folder {
+prog "Kile" kile kile
+menu "Spreadsheet" folder {
+prog "Calligra Sheets" calligrasheets calligrasheets
+prog "МойОфис Таблица Домашняя версия" myoffice-spreadsheet-home-edition myoffice-spreadsheet-home-edition
+menu "Viewer" folder {
+prog "Okular" okular okular
+prog "Zathura" org.pwmt.zathura zathura
+menu "WordProcessor" folder {
+prog "Calligra Words" calligrawords calligrawords
+prog "МойОфис Текст Домашняя версия" myoffice-text-home-edition myoffice-text-home-edition
+prog "Редактор фильтров Sieve" kmail sieveeditor
+menu "Разработка" applications-development {
+prog "CMake" CMakeSetup cmake-gui
+prog "Data Display Debugger" ddd ddd
+menu "Debugger" folder {
+prog "Qt5 QDbusViewer " qt5-qdbusviewer qdbusviewer-qt5
+menu "Documentation" folder {
+prog "Qt5 Assistant " qt5-assistant assistant-qt5
+prog "Emacs" emacs emacs
+prog "GTK Demo" org.gtk.Demo4 gtk4-demo
+menu "GUIDesigner" folder {
+prog "Glade" org.gnome.Glade glade
+prog "Просмотр тем Plasma" preferences-desktop-theme plasmathemeexplorer
+menu "IDE" folder {
+prog "Cuttlefish" cuttlefish cuttlefish
+prog "KDevelop" kdevelop kdevelop
+prog "KDevelop (с выбором сеанса)" kdevelop kdevelop --ps
+prog "Диспетчер данных Plasma" plasma plasmaengineexplorer
+prog "Просмотр оформлений рабочей среды Plasma" preferences-desktop-theme lookandfeelexplorer
+prog "Icon Browser" org.gtk.IconBrowser4 gtk4-icon-browser
+prog "Internxt Drive" internxt-drive icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/internxt-drive.desktop"
+prog "Joe's Own Editor" accessories-text-editor xterm -e /usr/bin/joe
+prog "Joe's Own Editor - EMACS Emulation" accessories-text-editor xterm -e /usr/bin/jmacs
+prog "Joe's Own Editor - NANO/PICO Emulation" accessories-text-editor xterm -e /usr/bin/jpico
+prog "Joe's Own Editor - WordStar Emulation" accessories-text-editor xterm -e /usr/bin/jstar
+prog "KAppTemplate" kapptemplate kapptemplate
+prog "KCachegrind" kcachegrind icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kcachegrind.desktop"
+prog "KDiff3" kdiff3 kdiff3
+prog "KUIViewer" kuiviewer icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kuiviewer.desktop"
+prog "Kompare" kompare icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kompare.desktop"
+prog "Print Editor" org.gtk.PrintEditor4 gtk4-print-editor
+prog "Qt5 Designer" qt5-designer designer-qt5
+prog "Qt5 Linguist " qt5-linguist linguist-qt5
+menu "RevisionControl" folder {
+prog "Cervisia" cervisia icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.cervisia.desktop"
+prog "Umbrello" umbrello icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.umbrello.desktop"
+prog "Visual Studio Code" /usr/share/icons/hicolor/1024x1024/apps/code.png /usr/bin/code
+menu "WebDevelopment" folder {
+prog "KImageMapEditor" kimagemapeditor icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kimagemapeditor.desktop"
+prog "Widget Factory" org.gtk.WidgetFactory4 gtk4-widget-factory
+prog "distcc monitor" distccmon-gnome distccmon-gnome
+prog "Галерея Kirigami" preferences-desktop-theme kirigami2gallery
+prog "Консоль Akonadi" akonadiconsole akonadiconsole
+menu "Перевод" applications-development-translation {
+prog "Lokalize" lokalize lokalize
+prog "Poedit" net.poedit.Poedit icewm-menu-fdo "/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/applications/net.poedit.Poedit.desktop"
+menu "Сеть" applications-network {
+menu "Chat" folder {
+prog "Mumble" mumble mumble
+prog "Telegram Desktop" telegram icewm-menu-fdo "/home/sn4il/.local/share/applications/org.telegram.desktop._023d4009d7ff6bfa2363e883ec2f16df.desktop"
+prog "Electrum Bitcoin Wallet" org.electrum.electrum /usr/bin/flatpak run --branch=stable --arch=x86_64 --command=electrum org.electrum.electrum
+menu "Email" folder {
+prog "Claws Mail" claws-mail claws-mail
+prog "KMail" kmail icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kmail2.desktop"
+prog "KTnef" ktnef ktnef
+prog "NeoMutt" neomutt xterm -e neomutt
+prog "Notmuch (emacs interface)" emblem-mail icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/notmuch-emacs-mua.desktop"
+prog "Импорт почтового ящика" kmail mboximporter
+prog "Редактор оформления заголовков KMail" kmail headerthemeeditor
+prog "Удаление неиспользуемых параметров KMail" kmail icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kmail-refresh-settings.desktop"
+prog "Экспорт данных PIM" kontact pimdataexporter
+menu "FileTransfer" folder {
+prog "KGet" kget icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kget.desktop"
+prog "KTorrent" ktorrent ktorrent
+prog "qBittorrent" org.qbittorrent.qBittorrent icewm-menu-fdo "/home/sn4il/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/applications/org.qbittorrent.qBittorrent.desktop"
+menu "IRCClient" folder {
+prog "HexChat" hexchat icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/io.github.Hexchat.desktop"
+prog "Konversation" konversation icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.konversation.desktop"
+menu "InstantMessaging" folder {
+prog "KDE Connect SMS" kdeconnect kdeconnect-sms
+prog "Kopete" kopete icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kopete.desktop"
+prog "Mattermost" mattermost-desktop mattermost-desktop
+prog "Клиент обмена мгновенными сообщениями Pidgin" pidgin pidgin
+prog "KDE Connect" kdeconnect kdeconnect-app
+prog "KDE Connect Indicator Settings" com.github.bajoja.indicator-kdeconnect /usr/bin/flatpak run --branch=stable --arch=x86_64 --command=indicator-kdeconnect-settings com.github.bajoja.indicator-kdeconnect
+prog "Lagrange" fi.skyjake.Lagrange /usr/bin/lagrange
+prog "Netsurf" netsurf netsurf-gtk2
+menu "News" folder {
+prog "Akregator" akregator akregator
+prog "Pan" org.gnome.pan pan
+menu "P2P" folder {
+prog "Tribler" org.tribler.Tribler tribler
+menu "RemoteAccess" folder {
+prog "KRDC" krdc icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.krdc.desktop"
+prog "Krfb" krfb icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.krfb.desktop"
+prog "SeaMonkey" /usr/share/pixmaps/seamonkey-icon.png /usr/bin/seamonkey
+prog "SeaMonkey Mail" /usr/share/pixmaps/seamonkey-mail-icon.png /usr/bin/seamonkey -mail
+prog "Telegram" telegram icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/telegram.desktop"
+prog "Thunderbird" /usr/share/pixmaps/thunderbird.png thunderbird
+menu "WebBrowser" folder {
+prog "Falkon" falkon falkon
+prog "Firefox" firefox firefox
+prog "Google Chrome" google-chrome /usr/bin/google-chrome-stable
+prog "Konqueror" konqueror konqueror
+prog "Thorium Browser" thorium-browser /usr/bin/thorium-browser
+prog "Yandex Browser" yandex-browser /usr/bin/yandex-browser-stable
+prog "qutebrowser" qutebrowser icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.qutebrowser.qutebrowser.desktop"
+prog "Веб-браузер Chromium" /opt/chromium.org/thorium/thorium_shell.png /usr/bin/thorium-shell
+prog "Zenmap" /usr/share/zenmap/pixmaps/zenmap.png zenmap
+prog "Zenmap (as root)" /usr/share/zenmap/pixmaps/zenmap.png /usr/share/zenmap/su-to-zenmap.sh
+prog "Zoom" zoom-linux /usr/bin/zoom-linux
+prog "gFTP" gftp gftp
+prog "lftp" lftp-icon xterm -e lftp
+prog "wpa_gui" wpa_gui kdesu wpa_gui
+prog "Индикатор KDE Connect" kdeconnect kdeconnect-indicator
+prog "Редактор оформлений контактов" kaddressbook contactthemeeditor
+prog "Редактор оформлений контактов для печати" kaddressbook contactprintthemeeditor
+prog "Редактор фильтров Sieve" kmail sieveeditor
+menu "Система" applications-system {
+menu "Core" folder {
+prog "Массовое переименование" org.xfce.thunar icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/thunar-bulk-rename.desktop"
+prog "Файловый менеджер Thunar" org.xfce.thunar thunar
+menu "Emulator" folder {
+prog "Oracle VM VirtualBox" virtualbox VirtualBox
+prog "Fcitx" fcitx fcitx
+prog "File Manager - Super User Mode" system-file-manager icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.dolphinsu.desktop"
+menu "Filesystem" folder {
+prog "Диспетчер разделов от KDE" partitionmanager partitionmanager
+prog "Редактор разделов GParted" gparted /usr/bin/gparted
+prog "KDE Connect Indicator" com.github.bajoja.indicator-kdeconnect /usr/bin/flatpak run --branch=stable --arch=x86_64 --command=indicator-kdeconnect com.github.bajoja.indicator-kdeconnect
+prog "KDE Connect Indicator Settings" com.github.bajoja.indicator-kdeconnect /usr/bin/flatpak run --branch=stable --arch=x86_64 --command=indicator-kdeconnect-settings com.github.bajoja.indicator-kdeconnect
+prog "KDiskFree" kdf icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kdf.desktop"
+prog "KwikDisk" kwikdisk icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kwikdisk.desktop"
+menu "Monitor" folder {
+prog "Htop" htop xterm -e htop
+prog "KSystemLog" utilities-log-viewer icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.ksystemlog.desktop"
+menu "Security" folder {
+prog "KWalletManager" kwalletmanager kwalletmanager5
+prog "Диспетчер задач" org.xfce.taskmanager xfce4-taskmanager
+menu "Консольные приложения" utilities-terminal {
+prog "Konsole" utilities-terminal konsole
+prog "UXTerm" xterm-color_48x48 uxterm
+prog "XTerm" xterm-color_48x48 xterm
+prog "Yakuake" yakuake yakuake
+prog "kitty" kitty kitty
+prog "rxvt-unicode" utilities-terminal urxvt
+prog "rxvt-unicode (256color)" utilities-terminal urxvt256c
+prog "Терминал Xfce" org.xfce.terminal xfce4-terminal
+prog "Настройка печати" cups /usr/bin/xdg-open http://localhost:631/
+prog "Настройки принтера" printer system-config-printer
+prog "Редактор dconf" ca.desrt.dconf-editor dconf-editor
+prog "Системный монитор" utilities-system-monitor plasma-systemmonitor
+menu "Файл" system-file-manager {
+prog "Dolphin" system-file-manager dolphin
+menu "Служебные" applications-utilities {
+prog "Aladdin 2FA Desktop" aladdin-2fa-desktop /usr/bin/aladdin-2fa-desktop
+menu "Archiving" folder {
+prog "Ark" ark ark
+prog "KBackup" kbackup kbackup
+menu "Calculator" folder {
+prog "KCalc" accessories-calculator kcalc
+menu "Clock" folder {
+prog "Pomodoro" io.gitlab.idevecore.Pomodoro /usr/bin/flatpak run --branch=stable --arch=x86_64 --command=pomodoro io.gitlab.idevecore.Pomodoro
+prog "Fcitx" fcitx fcitx
+prog "Filelight" filelight filelight
+prog "Flatseal" com.github.tchx84.Flatseal /usr/bin/flatpak run --branch=stable --arch=x86_64 --command=com.github.tchx84.Flatseal com.github.tchx84.Flatseal
+prog "HP Device Manager" /usr/share/hplip/data/images/128x128/hp_logo.png hp-toolbox
+prog "HP Scan Utility" /usr/share/hplip/data/images/128x128/hp_logo.png /usr/bin/hp-uiscan
+prog "KAlarm" kalarm kalarm
+prog "KCharSelect" accessories-character-map icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kcharselect.desktop"
+prog "KFloppy" kfloppy icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kfloppy.desktop"
+prog "KJots" kjots icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kjots.desktop"
+prog "KRename" krename icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.krename.desktop"
+prog "KTeaTime" kteatime kteatime
+prog "KTimeTracker" ktimetracker ktimetracker
+prog "KTimer" ktimer ktimer
+prog "Kleopatra" kleopatra kleopatra
+prog "Klipper" klipper klipper
+prog "Krusader" krusader_user icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.krusader.desktop"
+prog "Latte" latte-dock /usr/bin/latte-dock
+prog "Okteta" okteta okteta
+prog "Redshift" redshift redshift-gtk
+prog "SiriKali" sirikali icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/io.github.mhogomchungu.sirikali.desktop"
+prog "Spectacle" spectacle /usr/bin/spectacle
+prog "Sweeper" sweeper sweeper
+menu "TextEditor" folder {
+prog "Joe's Own Editor" accessories-text-editor xterm -e /usr/bin/joe
+prog "Joe's Own Editor - EMACS Emulation" accessories-text-editor xterm -e /usr/bin/jmacs
+prog "Joe's Own Editor - NANO/PICO Emulation" accessories-text-editor xterm -e /usr/bin/jpico
+prog "Joe's Own Editor - WordStar Emulation" accessories-text-editor xterm -e /usr/bin/jstar
+prog "KWrite" kwrite kwrite
+prog "Kate" kate icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kate.desktop"
+prog "Mousepad" org.xfce.mousepad mousepad
+prog "Neovim" nvim xterm -e nvim
+prog "gVim" gvim icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/gvim.desktop"
+menu "TextTools" folder {
+prog "KNotes" knotes knotes
+prog "Zanshin" zanshin zanshin
+prog "gpa" gpa gpa
+prog "Диспетчер задач" org.xfce.taskmanager xfce4-taskmanager
+prog "Маршруты KDE" org.kde.itinerary itinerary
+prog "Массовое переименование" org.xfce.thunar icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/thunar-bulk-rename.desktop"
+prog "Мастер импорта KMail" kontact-import-wizard akonadiimportwizard
+prog "Поиск приложений" org.xfce.appfinder xfce4-appfinder
+prog "Просмотрщик раскладки клавиатуры" input-keyboard kbd-layout-viewer
+prog "Снимок экрана" org.xfce.screenshooter xfce4-screenshooter
+menu "Специальные возможности" preferences-desktop-accessibility {
+prog "KMag" kmag kmag
+prog "KMouseTool" kmousetool icewm-menu-fdo "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kmousetool.desktop"
+prog "KMouth" kmouth kmouth
+prog "Таблица символов" accessories-character-map gucharmap
+menu "Файл" system-file-manager {
+prog "Файловый менеджер Thunar" org.xfce.thunar thunar
+menu "Прочее" applications-other {
+prog "FinamTrade" chrome-hamlgamnhgfdbcgdfkgaipeefgpngmab-Default /opt/yandex/browser/yandex-browser --profile-directory=Default --app-id=hamlgamnhgfdbcgdfkgaipeefgpngmab
+prog "Okko Фильмы онлайн: без рекламы, легально, безопасно, в хорошем качестве" chrome-dpijgnfckiehakambpechccgeclghkkh-Default /opt/yandex/browser/yandex-browser --profile-directory=Default --app-id=dpijgnfckiehakambpechccgeclghkkh
+prog "Piped" chrome-gddngihjemfiahfljcgjghidjegemoaa-Default /opt/yandex/browser/yandex-browser --profile-directory=Default --app-id=gddngihjemfiahfljcgjghidjegemoaa
+prog "Plasma в окне" plasma plasmawindowed
+prog "Rofi" rofi rofi -show
+prog "Rofi Theme Selector" rofi rofi-theme-selector
+prog "Rutube" chrome-cnegbmoboeckigjifppiffpfjkaknebn-Default /opt/yandex/browser/yandex-browser --profile-directory=Default --app-id=cnegbmoboeckigjifppiffpfjkaknebn
+prog "Stellaris" /home/sn4il/Games/Stellaris/game/gfx/exe_icon.bmp /home/sn4il/Games/Stellaris/start.sh
+prog "VK Почта" chrome-kbloodpfgjadmmloegippmipgpffnapc-Default /opt/yandex/browser/yandex-browser --profile-directory=Default --app-id=kbloodpfgjadmmloegippmipgpffnapc
+prog "ВКонтакте" chrome-ahjbodccchadkkmpncmedabkfpkaidaa-Default /opt/yandex/browser/yandex-browser --profile-directory=Default --app-id=ahjbodccchadkkmpncmedabkfpkaidaa
+prog "Госуслуги" chrome-kkfojkioankfkigjkbalddohpknaeahb-Default /opt/yandex/browser/yandex-browser --profile-directory=Default --app-id=kkfojkioankfkigjkbalddohpknaeahb
+prog "Дзен" chrome-cgachmfkibeafkkfleiecdlboefiiepl-Default /opt/yandex/browser/yandex-browser --profile-directory=Default --app-id=cgachmfkibeafkkfleiecdlboefiiepl
+prog "Диск" chrome-ahfmedihpfahogacifgnhlhejhpicmfk-Default /opt/yandex/browser/yandex-browser --profile-directory=Default --app-id=ahfmedihpfahogacifgnhlhejhpicmfk
+prog "Звук" chrome-opmbbgeledoeckeifaaggahejkodlbjm-Default /opt/yandex/browser/yandex-browser --profile-directory=Default --app-id=opmbbgeledoeckeifaaggahejkodlbjm
+prog "Облако Mail.ru" chrome-gbinoocobimcopelpecadlnfbifljjaf-Default /opt/yandex/browser/yandex-browser --profile-directory=Default --app-id=gbinoocobimcopelpecadlnfbifljjaf
+prog "Сбербанк Онлайн" chrome-ablghfiolocmnkejpbfdkablmcndkfna-Default /opt/yandex/browser/yandex-browser --profile-directory=Default --app-id=ablghfiolocmnkejpbfdkablmcndkfna
+prog "Тинькофф" chrome-gengcmomcjeapcfpnhpgiekmpmdlbfel-Default /opt/yandex/browser/yandex-browser --profile-directory=Default --app-id=gengcmomcjeapcfpnhpgiekmpmdlbfel
+prog "Хранитель экрана X" xscreensaver xscreensaver
+prog "Яндекс Диск" chrome-hjadggbhicgpjdnbcdhdleiioplkfpna-Default /opt/yandex/browser/yandex-browser --profile-directory=Default --app-id=hjadggbhicgpjdnbcdhdleiioplkfpna
+prog "Яндекс Почта" chrome-bcadigmkecmhhknameopgaidphameinh-Default /opt/yandex/browser/yandex-browser --profile-directory=Default --app-id=bcadigmkecmhhknameopgaidphameinh
diff --git a/icewm/preferences b/icewm/preferences
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88d7949
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm/preferences
@@ -0,0 +1,1500 @@
+# icewm preferences(3.3.0) - generated by genpref
+# This file should be copied to /etc/icewm or $HOME/.icewm/
+# NOTE: All settings are commented out by default.
+# Be sure to uncomment them if you change them!
+# Use a 32-bit visual for alpha blending.
+# Alpha=0 # 0/1
+# Enable event logging for debugging.
+# LogEvents=0 # 0/1
+# Splash image on startup (IceWM.jpg)
+# Splash=""
+# Synchronize X11 for debugging (slow)
+# Synchronize=0 # 0/1
+# Enable tracing for the given modules.
+# Trace=""
+# List of battery names (directories) in /proc/acpi/battery to ignore. Useful when more slots are built-in, but only one battery is used.
+# AcpiIgnoreBatteries=""
+# Command to run for address bar entries.
+# AddressBarCommand=""
+# Allow to switch a window to fullscreen.
+# AllowFullscreen=1 # 0/1
+# Automatically arrange windows when screen size changes.
+# ArrangeWindowsOnScreenSizeChange=1 # 0/1
+# Delay in ms before task bar is hidden.
+# AutoHideDelay=300 # [0-5000]
+# Auto raise windows after delay.
+# AutoRaise=0 # 0/1
+# Delay in ms before windows are auto raised.
+# AutoRaiseDelay=400 # [0-5000]
+# Reload menu files automatically.
+# AutoReloadMenus=1 # 0/1
+# Auto scroll delay in ms.
+# AutoScrollDelay=60 # [0-5000]
+# Auto scroll start delay in ms.
+# AutoScrollStartDelay=500 # [0-5000]
+# Delay in ms before task bar is shown.
+# AutoShowDelay=500 # [0-5000]
+# Delay between power status updates in seconds.
+# BatteryPollingPeriod=10 # [2-3600]
+# Bitmask of buttons that raise the window when pressed.
+# ButtonRaiseMask=1 # [0-255]
+# WM_CLASS to allow runonce for CPUStatusCommand.
+# CPUStatusClassHint="top.XTerm"
+# Combine all CPUs to one.
+# CPUStatusCombine=1 # 0/1
+# Command to run on CPU status.
+# CPUStatusCommand="xterm -name top -title Process\ Status -e top"
+# Show ACPI temperature in CPU status tool tip.
+ CPUStatusShowAcpiTemp=0 # 0/1
+# Show ACPI temperature in CPU status bar.
+# CPUStatusShowAcpiTempInGraph=0 # 0/1
+# Show CPU frequency in CPU status tool tip.
+CPUStatusShowCpuFreq=0 # 0/1
+# Show RAM usage in CPU status tool tip.
+CPUStatusShowRamUsage=0 # 0/1
+# Show swap usage in CPU status tool tip.
+CPUStatusShowSwapUsage=0 # 0/1
+# Center large windows.
+# CenterLarge=0 # 0/1
+# Center maximized windows which can't fit the screen (like terminals)
+# CenterMaximizedWindows=0 # 0/1
+# Center dialogs on owner window.
+# CenterTransientsOnOwner=1 # 0/1
+# Delay in ms before click gets interpreted as drag.
+# ClickMotionDelay=200 # [0-2000]
+# Pointer motion distance before click gets interpreted as drag.
+# ClickMotionDistance=4 # [0-32]
+# Focus windows by clicking.
+# ClickToFocus=1 # 0/1
+# Allow mouse actions on client windows (buggy with some programs)
+# ClientWindowMouseActions=1 # 0/1
+# WM_CLASS to allow runonce for ClockCommand.
+# ClockClassHint="icewm.XClock"
+# Command to run on clock.
+# Confirm logout.
+# ConfirmLogout=1 # 0/1
+# Consider border frames when maximizing horizontally.
+# ConsiderHBorder=0 # 0/1
+# Consider XSizeHints if frame is maximized.
+# ConsiderSizeHintsMaximized=1 # 0/1
+# Consider border frames when maximizing vertically.
+# ConsiderVBorder=0 # 0/1
+# Workspace switches continuously when moving mouse to screen edge.
+# ContinuousEdgeSwitch=1 # 0/1
+# Clock Date format for tooltip (strftime format string)
+# DateFormat="%c"
+# Delay fuzziness in ms, to allow merging of multiple timer timeouts into one for notebook power saving.
+# DelayFuzziness=0 # [0-100]
+# Delay pointer focusing when mouse moves.
+# DelayPointerFocus=1 # 0/1
+# Desktop mouse-button click to show the root menu.
+# DesktopMenuButton=3 # [0-20]
+# Desktop mouse-button click to show the window list.
+# DesktopWinListButton=2 # [0-20]
+# Desktop mouse-button click to show the window list menu.
+# DesktopWinMenuButton=0 # [0-20]
+# Support DockApps (right, left, center, down, high, above, below, desktop, or empty to disable). Control with Ctrl+Mouse.
+# DockApps="right high desktop"
+# Don't rotate the cursor for popup menus.
+# DontRotateMenuPointer=1 # 0/1
+# Use double buffering when redrawing the display.
+# DoubleBuffer=1 # 0/1
+# Resistance in pixels when trying to move windows off the screen (10000 = infinite)
+# EdgeResistance=32 # [0-10000]
+# Workspace switches by moving mouse to left/right screen edge.
+# EdgeSwitch=0 # 0/1
+# Screen edge workspace switching delay in ms.
+# EdgeSwitchDelay=600 # [0-5000]
+# Enable address bar functionality in taskbar.
+# EnableAddressBar=1 # 0/1
+# Change to the workspace of newly focused windows.
+# FocusChangesWorkspace=0 # 0/1
+# Move newly focused windows to current workspace.
+# FocusCurrentWorkspace=0 # 0/1
+# Focus windows when application requests to raise.
+# FocusOnAppRaise=0 # 0/1
+# Focus window when client area clicked.
+# FocusOnClickClient=1 # 0/1
+# Focus normal window when initially mapped.
+# FocusOnMap=1 # 0/1
+# Focus dialog window when initially mapped.
+# FocusOnMapTransient=0 # 0/1
+# Focus dialog window when initially mapped only if parent frame focused.
+# FocusOnMapTransientActive=1 # 0/1
+# Taskbar blink interval (ms) when requesting focus (0 = blinking disabled)
+# FocusRequestFlashInterval=250 # [0-30000]
+# Number of seconds the taskbar app will blink when requesting focus (0 = forever)
+# FocusRequestFlashTime=0 # [0-86400]
+# Span over all available screens if window goes into fullscreen.
+# FullscreenUseAllMonitors=0 # 0/1
+# Manage root window (EXPERIMENTAL - normally enabled!)
+# GrabRootWindow=1 # 0/1
+# Hide window borders if window is maximized.
+# HideBordersMaximized=0 # 0/1
+# Hide title bar when maximized.
+# HideTitleBarWhenMaximized=0 # 0/1
+# Workspace switches by moving mouse to left/right screen edge.
+# HorizontalEdgeSwitch=0 # 0/1
+# Icon search path (colon separated)
+# IconPath="/usr/local/share/icons:/usr/local/share/pixmaps:/usr/share/icons:/usr/share/pixmaps:"
+# Colon separated icon theme list with wildcard support. Minus prefix - can be used to exclude themes.
+# IconThemes="*:-HighContrast"
+# Opens the address bar in the task bar where a command can be typed.
+# KeySysAddressBar="Alt+Ctrl+Space"
+# Rearranges the windows.
+# KeySysArrange="Alt+Shift+F5"
+# Rearranges the icons on the desktop, if MinimizeToDesktop is true.
+# KeySysArrangeIcons="Alt+Shift+F8"
+# Makes a horizontal cascade of all windows which are maximized vertically.
+# KeySysCascade="Alt+Shift+F4"
+# Toggles displaying the task bar.
+# KeySysCollapseTaskBar="Alt+Ctrl+h"
+# Opens the IceWM system dialog in the center of the screen.
+# KeySysDialog="Alt+Ctrl+Del"
+# Hides all windows.
+# KeySysHideAll="Alt+Shift+F11"
+# Switch to the next keyboard layout in the KeyboardLayouts list.
+# KeySysKeyboardNext=""
+# Activates the IceWM root menu in the lower left corner.
+# KeySysMenu="Ctrl+Esc"
+# Minimizes all windows.
+# KeySysMinimizeAll="Alt+Shift+F9"
+# Minimizes all windows to show the desktop.
+# KeySysShowDesktop="Alt+Ctrl+d"
+# Is like KeySysSwitchNext but only for windows with the same WM_CLASS property as the currently focused window.
+# KeySysSwitchClass="Alt+grave"
+# Works like KeySysSwitchNext but moving in the opposite direction.
+# KeySysSwitchLast="Alt+Shift+Tab"
+# Opens the QuickSwitch popup and/or moves the selector in the QuickSwitch popup.
+# KeySysSwitchNext="Alt+Tab"
+# Tiles all windows from top to bottom maximized horizontally.
+# Tiles all windows from left to right maximized vertically.
+# Undoes arrangement.
+# KeySysUndoArrange="Alt+Shift+F7"
+# Shows the window list menu.
+# Posts the system window menu.
+# KeySysWinMenu="Shift+Esc"
+# Give focus to the next window and raise it.
+# KeySysWinNext="Alt+Esc"
+# Give focus to the previous window and raise it.
+# KeySysWinPrev="Alt+Shift+Esc"
+# Opens the IceWM system window list in the center of the screen.
+# KeySysWindowList="Alt+Ctrl+Esc"
+# Goes to workspace 1.
+# Goes to workspace 10.
+# KeySysWorkspace10="Super+0"
+# Takes the active window to workspace 10.
+# KeySysWorkspace10TakeWin="Super+Shift+0"
+# Goes to workspace 11.
+# KeySysWorkspace11="Alt+Ctrl+minus"
+# Takes the active window to workspace 11.
+# KeySysWorkspace11TakeWin="Alt+Ctrl+Shift+minus"
+# Goes to workspace 12.
+# KeySysWorkspace12="Alt+Ctrl+equal"
+# Takes the active window to workspace 12.
+# KeySysWorkspace12TakeWin="Alt+Ctrl+Shift+equal"
+# Takes the active window to workspace 1.
+# Goes to workspace 2.
+# Takes the active window to workspace 2.
+# Goes to workspace 3.
+# Takes the active window to workspace 3.
+# Goes to workspace 4.
+# Takes the active window to workspace 4.
+# Goes to workspace 5.
+# Takes the active window to workspace 5.
+# Goes to workspace 6.
+# KeySysWorkspace6="Alt+Ctrl+6"
+# Takes the active window to workspace 6.
+# KeySysWorkspace6TakeWin="Alt+Ctrl+Shift+6"
+# Goes to workspace 7.
+# KeySysWorkspace7="Alt+Ctrl+7"
+# Takes the active window to workspace 7.
+# KeySysWorkspace7TakeWin="Alt+Ctrl+Shift+7"
+# Goes to workspace 8.
+# KeySysWorkspace8="Alt+Ctrl+8"
+# Takes the active window to workspace 8.
+# KeySysWorkspace8TakeWin="Alt+Ctrl+Shift+8"
+# Goes to workspace 9.
+# KeySysWorkspace9="Alt+Ctrl+9"
+# Takes the active window to workspace 9.
+# KeySysWorkspace9TakeWin="Alt+Ctrl+Shift+9"
+# Goes to the previous workspace.
+# KeySysWorkspaceLast="Alt+Ctrl+Down"
+# Takes the active window to the previous workspace.
+# KeySysWorkspaceLastTakeWin="Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Down"
+# Goes one workspace to the right.
+# KeySysWorkspaceNext="Alt+Ctrl+Right"
+# Takes the active window one workspace to the right.
+# KeySysWorkspaceNextTakeWin="Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Right"
+# Goes one workspace to the left.
+# KeySysWorkspacePrev="Alt+Ctrl+Left"
+# Takes the active window one workspace to the left.
+# KeySysWorkspacePrevTakeWin="Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Left"
+# Move the Task Bar button of the current window right.
+# KeyTaskBarMoveNext=""
+# Move the Task Bar button of the current window left.
+# KeyTaskBarMovePrev=""
+# Switch to the next window in the Task Bar.
+# KeyTaskBarSwitchNext=""
+# Switch to the previous window in the Task Bar.
+# KeyTaskBarSwitchPrev=""
+# Moves the active window to the top middle of the screen.
+# KeyWinArrangeC="Ctrl+Alt+KP_Begin"
+# Moves the active window to the middle right of the screen.
+# KeyWinArrangeE="Ctrl+Alt+KP_Right"
+# Moves the active window to the top middle of the screen.
+# KeyWinArrangeN="Ctrl+Alt+KP_Up"
+# Moves the active window to the top right of the screen.
+# KeyWinArrangeNE="Ctrl+Alt+KP_Prior"
+# Moves the active window to the top left corner of the screen.
+# KeyWinArrangeNW="Ctrl+Alt+KP_Home"
+# Moves the active window to the bottom middle of the screen.
+# KeyWinArrangeS="Ctrl+Alt+KP_Down"
+# Moves the active window to the bottom right of the screen.
+# KeyWinArrangeSE="Ctrl+Alt+KP_Next"
+# Moves the active window to the bottom left of the screen.
+# KeyWinArrangeSW="Ctrl+Alt+KP_End"
+# Moves the active window to the middle left of the screen.
+# KeyWinArrangeW="Ctrl+Alt+KP_Left"
+# Closes the active window.
+# KeyWinClose="Alt+F4"
+# Maximizes the active window without borders.
+# KeyWinFullscreen="Alt+F11"
+# Hides the active window.
+# KeyWinHide="Alt+Shift+F12"
+# Lowers the window which currently has input focus.
+# KeyWinLower="Alt+F3"
+# Maximizes the active window with borders.
+# KeyWinMaximize="Alt+F10"
+# Maximizes the active window horizontally.
+# KeyWinMaximizeHoriz=""
+# Maximizes the active window vertically.
+# KeyWinMaximizeVert="Alt+Shift+F10"
+# Posts the window menu.
+# KeyWinMenu="Alt+Space"
+# Iconifies the active window.
+# KeyWinMinimize="Alt+F9"
+# Starts movement of the active window.
+# KeyWinMove="Alt+F7"
+# Switches focus to the next window.
+# KeyWinNext="Alt+F6"
+# Makes the active window occupy all work spaces.
+# KeyWinOccupyAll="Alt+F2"
+# Switches focus to the previous window.
+# KeyWinPrev="Alt+Shift+F6"
+# Raises the window which currently has input focus.
+# KeyWinRaise="Alt+F1"
+# Restores the active window to its visible state.
+# KeyWinRestore="Alt+F5"
+# Rolls up the active window.
+# KeyWinRollup="Alt+F12"
+# Starts resizing of the active window.
+# KeyWinSize="Alt+F8"
+# Smart place the active window.
+# KeyWinSmartPlace="Ctrl+Alt+Shift+KP_Begin"
+# Let the active window occupy the bottom half of the screen.
+# Let the active window occupy the bottom left quarter of the screen.
+# Let the active window occupy the bottom right quarter of the screen.
+# Let the active window occupy the center quarter of the screen.
+# Let the active window occupy the left half of the screen.
+# Let the active window occupy the right half of the screen.
+# Let the active window occupy the top half of the screen.
+# Let the active window occupy the top left quarter of the screen.
+# Let the active window occupy the top right quarter of the screen.
+# Add a keyboard layout.
+# KeyboardLayouts=""
+# Let the Dock layer limit the workspace (incompatible with GNOME Panel)
+# LimitByDockLayer=0 # 0/1
+# Limit position of windows to screen.
+# LimitPosition=1 # 0/1
+# Limit size of windows to screen.
+# LimitSize=1 # 0/1
+# Command to lock display/screensaver.
+# LockCommand=""
+# Command to cancel logout.
+# LogoutCancelCommand=""
+# Command to start logout.
+# LogoutCommand=""
+# Lower the active window when clicked again.
+# LowerOnClickWhenRaised=0 # 0/1
+# Colon separated paths of your mailboxes, otherwise $MAILPATH or $MAIL is used.
+# MailBoxPath=""
+# Delay between new-mail checks in seconds.
+# MailCheckDelay=30 # [0-86400]
+# WM_CLASS to allow runonce for MailCommand.
+# MailClassHint="mutt.XTerm"
+# Command to run on mailbox.
+# MailCommand="xterm -name mutt -e mutt"
+# Windows initially placed manually by user.
+# ManualPlacement=0 # 0/1
+# Put new windows on top even if not focusing them.
+# MapInactiveOnTop=1 # 0/1
+# Delay in ms before activating menu items.
+# MenuActivateDelay=40 # [0-5000]
+# Maximal width of popup menus, 2/3 of the screen's width if set to zero.
+# MenuMaximalWidth=0 # [0-16384]
+# Menus track mouse even with no mouse buttons held.
+# MenuMouseTracking=0 # 0/1
+# Place new mini-icons from bottom to top.
+# MiniIconsBottomToTop=0 # 0/1
+# Place the mini-icons horizontal instead of vertical.
+# MiniIconsPlaceHorizontal=0 # 0/1
+# Place new mini-icons from right to left.
+# MiniIconsRightToLeft=0 # 0/1
+# Display mini-icons on desktop for minimized windows.
+# MinimizeToDesktop=0 # 0/1
+# Treat the Super/Win key modifier as a synonym for the Ctrl+Alt modifier combination. The default key bindings have many occurrences of Ctrl+Alt. If you enable this, then the Super modifier is an alternative way to activate them.
+# ModSuperIsCtrlAlt=0 # 0/1
+# Mouse binding to lower window.
+# MouseWinLower="Ctrl+Alt+Pointer_Button1"
+# Mouse binding for window move.
+# MouseWinMove="Alt+Pointer_Button1"
+# Mouse binding to raise window.
+# MouseWinRaise="Ctrl+Alt+Pointer_Button1"
+# Mouse binding for window resize.
+# MouseWinSize="Alt+Pointer_Button3"
+# Mouse binding to create tabs.
+# MouseWinTabbing="Shift+Pointer_Button2"
+# Preselect to Cancel (0) or the OK (1) button in message boxes.
+# MsgBoxDefaultAction=0 # [0-1]
+# Overrides automatic multiple byte detection.
+# MultiByte=1 # 0/1
+# Multiple click time in ms.
+# MultiClickTime=400 # [0-5000]
+# Minimal number of themes after which the Themes menu becomes nested (0=disabled)
+# NestedThemeMenuMinNumber=21 # [0-1234]
+# WM_CLASS to allow runonce for NetStatusCommand.
+# NetStatusClassHint="ss.XTerm"
+# Command to run on Net status.
+# NetStatusCommand="xterm -name 'ss' -title 'Socket Statistics' -hold -e sh -c 'which ss > /dev/null && watch -t ss -putswl || netstat -c'"
+# Show network status only for connected devices.
+# NetStatusShowOnlyRunning=0 # 0/1
+# NET_WORKAREA behaviour: 0 (single/multimonitor with STRUT information, like metacity), 1 (always full desktop), 2 (singlemonitor with STRUT, multimonitor without STRUT)
+# NetWorkAreaBehaviour=0 # [0-2]
+# Network device to show status for.
+# NetworkStatusDevice="[ew]*"
+# Command to run when new mail arrives.
+# NewMailCommand=""
+# Opaque window move.
+# OpaqueMove=1 # 0/1
+# Opaque window resize.
+# OpaqueResize=1 # 0/1
+# Command to select and run a program.
+# OpenCommand=""
+# Draw border around workspace buttons (if PagerShowPreview=1)
+# PagerShowBorders=1 # 0/1
+# Show workspace name label on workspace button (if PagerShowPreview=1)
+# PagerShowLabels=1 # 0/1
+# Draw even minimized windows as unfilled rectangles (if PagerShowPreview=1)
+# PagerShowMinimized=1 # 0/1
+# Show number of workspace on workspace button (if PagerShowPreview=1)
+# PagerShowNumbers=0 # 0/1
+# Show a mini desktop preview on each workspace button.
+# PagerShowPreview=1 # 0/1
+# Draw window icons inside large enough preview windows on pager (if PagerShowPreview=1)
+# PagerShowWindowIcons=1 # 0/1
+# Pass focusing click on client area to client.
+# PassFirstClickToClient=1 # 0/1
+# Timeout in seconds for applications to respond to _NET_WM_PING protocol.
+# PingTimeout=3 # [0-86400]
+# Colormap focus follows pointer.
+# PointerColormap=1 # 0/1
+# Delay in ms for pointer focus switching.
+# PointerFocusDelay=200 # [0-1000]
+# Favour Xft fonts over core X11 fonts where possible.
+# PreferFreetypeFonts=1 # 0/1
+# Enable Alt+Tab window switching.
+# QuickSwitch=1 # 0/1
+# Show all reachable icons when quick switching.
+# QuickSwitchAllIcons=1 # 0/1
+# Fill the rectangle highlighting the current icon.
+# QuickSwitchFillSelection=0 # 0/1
+# Group windows by workspace together in Alt+Tab.
+# QuickSwitchGroupWorkspaces=1 # 0/1
+# Show the huge (48x48) of the window icon for the active window.
+# QuickSwitchHugeIcon=0 # 0/1
+# Go trough all window titles and choose width of the longest one.
+# QuickSwitchMaxWidth=0 # 0/1
+# Time in seconds to remember the state of Alt+Tab.
+# QuickSwitchPersistence=0 # [0-86400]
+# Raise a selected window while Alt+Tabbing in the QuickSwitch.
+# QuickSwitchRaiseCandidate=0 # 0/1
+# Create a smaller QuickSwitch window of 1/3 screen width.
+# QuickSwitchSmallWindow=0 # 0/1
+# Show the window title above (all reachable) icons.
+# QuickSwitchTextFirst=0 # 0/1
+# Include windows from all workspaces in Alt+Tab.
+# QuickSwitchToAllWorkspaces=0 # 0/1
+# Enable Alt+Tab to hidden windows.
+# QuickSwitchToHidden=1 # 0/1
+# Enable Alt+Tab to minimized windows.
+# QuickSwitchToMinimized=1 # 0/1
+# Prioritize Alt+Tab to urgent windows.
+# QuickSwitchToUrgent=1 # 0/1
+# Place the icons and titles vertical instead of horizontal.
+# QuickSwitchVertical=1 # 0/1
+# Raise window when frame button is clicked.
+# RaiseOnClickButton=1 # 0/1
+# Raise window when client area clicked.
+# RaiseOnClickClient=1 # 0/1
+# Raise window when frame border is clicked.
+# RaiseOnClickFrame=1 # 0/1
+# Raise window when title bar is clicked.
+# RaiseOnClickTitleBar=1 # 0/1
+# Raise windows when focused.
+# RaiseOnFocus=1 # 0/1
+# Command to reboot the system.
+# RebootCommand="test -e /run/elogind/users && loginctl reboot"
+# Send the clicks outside menus to target window.
+# ReplayMenuCancelClick=0 # 0/1
+# Request focus (flashing in taskbar) when application requests raise.
+# RequestFocusOnAppRaise=1 # 0/1
+# Command to select and run a program.
+# RunCommand=""
+# Scroll bar autoscroll delay in ms.
+# ScrollBarDelay=30 # [0-5000]
+# Inital scroll bar autoscroll delay in ms.
+# ScrollBarStartDelay=500 # [0-5000]
+# Don't cut client windows by shapes set trough frame corner pixmap.
+# ShapesProtectClientWindow=1 # 0/1
+# Show the about menu item in the program menu.
+# ShowAbout=1 # 0/1
+# Show address bar in task bar.
+# ShowAddressBar=1 # 0/1
+# Show Ellipsis in taskbar items as indicator of further collapsed content.
+# ShowEllipsis=1 # 0/1
+# Show focus mode submenu in the program menu.
+# ShowFocusModeMenu=1 # 0/1
+# Show the help menu item in the program menu.
+# ShowHelp=1 # 0/1
+# Show logout menu in the program menu.
+# ShowLogoutMenu=1 # 0/1
+# Show logout submenu in the program menu.
+# ShowLogoutSubMenu=1 # 0/1
+# Show position status window during move/resize.
+# ShowMoveSizeStatus=1 # 0/1
+# Show popup menus above mouse pointer.
+# ShowPopupsAbovePointer=0 # 0/1
+# Show programs submenu in the program menu.
+# ShowProgramsMenu=0 # 0/1
+# Show the run menu item in the program menu.
+# ShowRun=1 # 0/1
+# Show settings submenu in the program menu.
+# ShowSettingsMenu=1 # 0/1
+# Show task bar.
+# ShowTaskBar=1 # 0/1
+# Show themes submenu in the program menu.
+# ShowThemesMenu=1 # 0/1
+# Show the window menu item in the program menu.
+# ShowWindowList=1 # 0/1
+# Show name of current workspace while switching.
+# ShowWorkspaceStatus=1 # 0/1
+# Command to shutdown the system.
+# ShutdownCommand="test -e /run/elogind/users && loginctl poweroff"
+# Maximized windows can be resized.
+# SizeMaximized=0 # 0/1
+# Smart window placement with minimal overlap.
+# SmartPlacement=1 # 0/1
+# Distance in pixels before windows snap together.
+# SnapDistance=8 # [0-64]
+# Snap to nearest screen edge/window when moving windows.
+# SnapMove=1 # 0/1
+# Always maintain focus under mouse window (makes some keyboard support non-functional or unreliable)
+# StrongPointerFocus=0 # 0/1
+# Delay in ms before activating menu submenus.
+# SubmenuMenuActivateDelay=300 # [0-5000]
+# Command to send the system to standby mode.
+# SuspendCommand="test -e /run/elogind/users && loginctl suspend"
+# Width of battery Monitor.
+# TaskBarApmGraphWidth=10 # [1-1000]
+# Task bar at top of the screen.
+# TaskBarAtTop=0 # 0/1
+# Auto hide task bar after delay.
+# TaskBarAutoHide=0 # 0/1
+# Delay between CPU Monitor samples in ms.
+# TaskBarCPUDelay=500 # [10-3600000]
+# The width of the CPU Monitor applet in pixels.
+# TaskBarCPUSamples=20 # [2-1000]
+# Use double-height task bar.
+# TaskBarDoubleHeight=0 # 0/1
+# Enable the system tray in the taskbar.
+# TaskBarEnableSystemTray=1 # 0/1
+# Auto show task bar when fullscreen window active.
+# TaskBarFullscreenAutoShow=1 # 0/1
+# Taskbar justify left, right or center.
+# TaskBarJustify="left"
+# Keep the task bar below regular windows.
+# TaskBarKeepBelow=0 # 0/1
+# Execute taskbar applet commands (like MailCommand, ClockCommand, ...) on single click.
+# TaskBarLaunchOnSingleClick=1 # 0/1
+# Delay between Memory Monitor samples in ms.
+# TaskBarMEMDelay=500 # [10-3600000]
+# The width of the Memory Monitor applet in pixels.
+# TaskBarMEMSamples=20 # [2-1000]
+# Beep when new mail arrives.
+# TaskBarMailboxStatusBeepOnNewMail=0 # 0/1
+# Count messages in mailbox.
+# TaskBarMailboxStatusCountMessages=0 # 0/1
+# Delay between Net Monitor samples in ms.
+# TaskBarNetDelay=500 # [10-3600000]
+# The width of the Net Monitor applet in pixels.
+# TaskBarNetSamples=20 # [2-1000]
+# Enable TaskBarShowAPMStatus if a battery is present.
+TaskBarShowAPMAuto=0 # 0/1
+# Show battery status in graph mode.
+TaskBarShowAPMGraph=0 # 0/1
+# Show battery status monitor on task bar.
+# TaskBarShowAPMStatus=0 # 0/1
+# Show battery status on task bar in time-format.
+TaskBarShowAPMTime=0 # 0/1
+# Show windows from all workspaces on task bar.
+# TaskBarShowAllWindows=0 # 0/1
+# Show CPU status on task bar.
+TaskBarShowCPUStatus=0 # 0/1
+# Show clock on task bar.
+# TaskBarShowClock=1 # 0/1
+# Show a button to collapse the taskbar.
+# TaskBarShowCollapseButton=0 # 0/1
+# Show memory usage status on task bar (Linux only)
+TaskBarShowMEMStatus=0 # 0/1
+# Show mailbox status on task bar.
+TaskBarShowMailboxStatus=0 # 0/1
+# Show network status on task bar.
+TaskBarShowNetStatus=0 # 0/1
+# Show 'show desktop' button on taskbar (value of 2 to put after the clock)
+# TaskBarShowShowDesktopButton=1 # [0-2]
+# Show 'Start' menu on task bar.
+# TaskBarShowStartMenu=1 # 0/1
+# Show transient (dialogs, ...) windows on task bar.
+# TaskBarShowTransientWindows=1 # 0/1
+# Show application icons in the tray panel.
+# TaskBarShowTray=1 # 0/1
+# Show icons of windows on the task bar.
+# TaskBarShowWindowIcons=1 # 0/1
+# Show 'window list' menu on task bar.
+# TaskBarShowWindowListMenu=1 # 0/1
+# Show windows on the taskbar.
+# TaskBarShowWindows=1 # 0/1
+# Show workspace switching buttons on task bar.
+# TaskBarShowWorkspaces=1 # 0/1
+# Group applications with the same class name under a single task button: 0=off, 1=digits, 2=dots, 3=both.
+# TaskBarTaskGrouping=0 # [0-3]
+# Enable mouse wheel cycling over workspaces and task buttons in taskbar.
+# TaskBarUseMouseWheel=1 # 0/1
+# Task bar width as percentage of the screen width.
+# TaskBarWidthPercentage=100 # [0-100]
+# Place workspace pager on left, not right.
+# TaskBarWorkspacesLeft=1 # 0/1
+# Limit number of taskbar workspaces.
+# TaskBarWorkspacesLimit=""
+# Place workspace pager on top row when using dual-height taskbar.
+# TaskBarWorkspacesTop=0 # 0/1
+# default number of tasks in taskbar.
+# TaskbarButtonWidthDivisor=3 # [1-50]
+# Terminal emulator must accept -e option.
+# TerminalCommand="xterm -hold"
+# Clock Time format (strftime format string)
+TimeFormat="%a %Y-%m-%d %X"
+# Alternate Clock Time format for blinking effects.
+# TimeFormatAlt=""
+# TitleBar mouse-button double click to maximize the window.
+# TitleBarMaximizeButton=1 # [0-5]
+# TitleBar mouse-button double click to rollup the window.
+# TitleBarRollupButton=2 # [0-5]
+# Delay in ms before tooltip window is displayed.
+# ToolTipDelay=500 # [0-5000]
+# Show an application icon in toolbar and tray tooltips.
+# ToolTipIcon=1 # 0/1
+# Time in ms before tooltip window is hidden (0 means never)
+# ToolTipTime=0 # [0-60000]
+# Show windows from all workspaces on tray.
+# TrayShowAllWindows=1 # 0/1
+# Support mouse wheel. When pressing Ctrl+Alt rotating the mouse wheel on the root window will cycle the focus over the windows.
+# UseMouseWheel=0 # 0/1
+# Bitmask of root window button click to use in window manager.
+# UseRootButtons=255 # [0-255]
+# Workspace switches by moving mouse to top/bottom screen edge.
+# VerticalEdgeSwitch=0 # 0/1
+# Support the Windows/Super key modifier to activate special functions. The left Super key toggles the Start menu, while the right Super key toggles the Window list window.
+# Win95Keys=1 # 0/1
+# The list of items to be supported in the menu window (rmsnxfhualytieckw)
+# WinMenuItems="rmsnxfhualytiecw"
+# Add a workspace.
+WorkspaceNames=" 1 ", " 2 ", " 3 ", " 4 ", " 5"
+# Time before workspace status window is hidden in ms.
+# WorkspaceStatusTime=700 # [0-2500]
+# Disable use of new XRANDR API for dual head (nvidia workaround)
+# XRRDisable=0 # 0/1
+# screen/output name of the primary screen.
+# XRRPrimaryScreenName=""
+# Primary screen for xinerama where taskbar is shown.
+# XineramaPrimaryScreen=0 # [0-63]
+# -----------------------------------------------------------
+# Themable preferences. Themes will override these.
+# To override the themes, place them in ~/.icewm/prefoverride
+# -----------------------------------------------------------
+# Name of the active button font.
+# ActiveButtonFontName="-misc-dejavu sans-bold-r-normal--12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
+# Name of the active button font.
+# ActiveButtonFontNameXft="DejaVu Sans:size=12:bold"
+# Name of the active task bar item font.
+# ActiveTaskBarFontName="-misc-dejavu sans-bold-r-normal--12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
+# Name of the active task bar item font.
+# ActiveTaskBarFontNameXft="DejaVu Sans:size=12:bold"
+# Name of the active workspace button font (fallback: ActiveButtonFontName).
+# ActiveWorkspaceFontName="-misc-dejavu sans-medium-r-normal--12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
+# Name of the active workspace button font (fallback: ActiveButtonFontName).
+# ActiveWorkspaceFontNameXft="DejaVu Sans:size=12"
+# Name of the task bar battery font.
+# ApmFontName="-misc-dejavu sans mono-medium-r-normal--14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
+# Name of the task bar battery font.
+# ApmFontNameXft="DejaVu Sans Mono:monospace:size=12"
+# Horizontal window border.
+# BorderSizeX=6 # [0-128]
+# Vertical window border.
+# BorderSizeY=6 # [0-128]
+# Name of the task bar clock font.
+# ClockFontName="-misc-dejavu sans mono-medium-r-normal--14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
+# Name of the task bar clock font.
+# ClockFontNameXft="DejaVu Sans Mono:monospace:size=12"
+# Border of active windows.
+# ColorActiveBorder="rgb:C0/C0/C0"
+# Background of pressed buttons.
+# ColorActiveButton="rgb:E0/E0/E0"
+# Text color of pressed buttons.
+# ColorActiveButtonText="rgb:00/00/00"
+# Background of selected menu item, leave empty to force transparency.
+# ColorActiveMenuItem="rgb:A0/A0/A0"
+# Text color of selected menu items.
+# ColorActiveMenuItemText="rgb:00/00/00"
+# Background for task buttons of the active window.
+# ColorActiveTaskBarApp="rgb:E0/E0/E0"
+# Text color for task buttons of the active window.
+# ColorActiveTaskBarAppText="rgb:00/00/00"
+# Background of the titlebar of active windows.
+# ColorActiveTitleBar="rgb:00/00/A0"
+# Text shadow of the titlebar of active windows.
+# ColorActiveTitleBarShadow=""
+# Text color of the titlebar of active windows.
+# ColorActiveTitleBarText="rgb:FF/FF/FF"
+# Background of the active workspace button, ColorActiveButton is used if empty.
+# ColorActiveWorkspaceButton=""
+# Text color of the active workspace button, ColorActiveButtonText is used if empty.
+# ColorActiveWorkspaceButtonText=""
+# Background of battery monitor, leave empty to force transparency.
+# ColorApm="rgb:00/00/00"
+# Legacy option; don't use, see ColorApmBattery.
+# ColorApmBattary="rgb:FF/FF/00"
+# Color of battery monitor when discharging.
+# ColorApmBattery="rgb:FF/FF/00"
+# Background color for graph mode.
+# ColorApmGraphBg="rgb:00/00/00"
+# Color of battery monitor when charging.
+# ColorApmLine="rgb:00/FF/00"
+# Text color of battery monitor.
+# ColorApmText="rgb:00/FF/00"
+# Idle (non) load on the CPU monitor, leave empty to force transparency.
+# ColorCPUStatusIdle="rgb:00/00/00"
+# Interrupts on the CPU monitor.
+# ColorCPUStatusInterrupts="rgb:FF/FF/00"
+# IO Wait on the CPU monitor.
+# ColorCPUStatusIoWait="rgb:60/00/60"
+# Nice load on the CPU monitor.
+# ColorCPUStatusNice="rgb:00/00/FF"
+# Soft Interrupts on the CPU monitor.
+# ColorCPUStatusSoftIrq="rgb:00/FF/FF"
+# Involuntary Wait on the CPU monitor.
+# ColorCPUStatusSteal="rgb:FF/8A/91"
+# System load on the CPU monitor.
+# ColorCPUStatusSystem="rgb:FF/00/00"
+# Temperature of the CPU.
+# ColorCPUStatusTemp="rgb:60/60/C0"
+# User load on the CPU monitor.
+# ColorCPUStatusUser="rgb:00/FF/00"
+# Background of non-LCD clock, leave empty to force transparency.
+# ColorClock="rgb:00/00/00"
+# Text color of non-LCD clock.
+# ColorClockText="rgb:00/FF/00"
+# Background of the taskbar.
+# ColorDefaultTaskBar="rgb:C0/C0/C0"
+# Background of dialog windows.
+# ColorDialog="rgb:C0/C0/C0"
+# Shadow of regular menu items.
+# ColorDisabledMenuItemShadow=""
+# Text color of disabled menu items.
+# ColorDisabledMenuItemText="rgb:80/80/80"
+# Background of text entry fields (e.g., the addressbar)
+# ColorInput="rgb:FF/FF/FF"
+# Background of selected text in an entry field.
+# ColorInputSelection="rgb:80/80/80"
+# Selected text in an entry field.
+# ColorInputSelectionText="rgb:00/00/00"
+# Text color of text entry fields (e.g., the addressbar)
+# ColorInputText="rgb:00/00/00"
+# Background for task buttons of windows on other workspaces.
+# ColorInvisibleTaskBarApp="rgb:80/80/80"
+# Text color for task buttons of windows on other workspaces.
+# ColorInvisibleTaskBarAppText="rgb:00/00/00"
+# Color of keyboard layout indicator.
+# ColorKeyboardLayoutText=""
+# Background of labels, leave empty to force transparency.
+# ColorLabel="rgb:C0/C0/C0"
+# Text color of labels.
+# ColorLabelText="rgb:00/00/00"
+# Background of listboxes.
+# ColorListBox="rgb:C0/C0/C0"
+# Background of selected listbox items.
+# ColorListBoxSelection="rgb:80/80/80"
+# Text color of selected listbox items.
+# ColorListBoxSelectionText="rgb:00/00/00"
+# Text color in listboxes.
+# ColorListBoxText="rgb:00/00/00"
+# OS buffers usage in the memory monitor.
+# ColorMEMStatusBuffers="rgb:60/60/C0"
+# OS cached usage in the memory monitor.
+# ColorMEMStatusCached="rgb:80/80/FF"
+# Free memory in the memory monitor.
+# ColorMEMStatusFree="rgb:00/00/00"
+# User program usage in the memory monitor.
+# ColorMEMStatusUser="rgb:40/40/80"
+# Background for task buttons of minimized windows.
+# ColorMinimizedTaskBarApp="rgb:A0/A0/A0"
+# Text color for task buttons of minimized windows.
+# ColorMinimizedTaskBarAppText="rgb:00/00/00"
+# Background of move/resize status window.
+# ColorMoveSizeStatus="rgb:C0/C0/C0"
+# Text color of move/resize status window.
+# ColorMoveSizeStatusText="rgb:00/00/00"
+# Idle (non) load on the network monitor, leave empty to force transparency.
+# ColorNetIdle="rgb:00/00/00"
+# Incoming load on the network monitor.
+# ColorNetReceive="rgb:FF/00/FF"
+# Outgoing load on the network monitor.
+# ColorNetSend="rgb:FF/FF/00"
+# Border of inactive windows.
+# ColorNormalBorder="rgb:C0/C0/C0"
+# Background of regular buttons.
+# ColorNormalButton="rgb:C0/C0/C0"
+# Text color of regular buttons.
+# ColorNormalButtonText="rgb:00/00/00"
+# Background of pop-up menus.
+# ColorNormalMenu="rgb:C0/C0/C0"
+# Text color of regular menu items.
+# ColorNormalMenuItemText="rgb:00/00/00"
+# Background for task buttons of regular windows.
+# ColorNormalTaskBarApp="rgb:C0/C0/C0"
+# Text color for task buttons of regular windows.
+# ColorNormalTaskBarAppText="rgb:00/00/00"
+# Background of the titlebar of regular windows.
+# ColorNormalTitleBar="rgb:80/80/80"
+# Text shadow of the titlebar of regular windows.
+# ColorNormalTitleBarShadow=""
+# Text color of the titlebar of regular windows.
+# ColorNormalTitleBarText="rgb:00/00/00"
+# Background of titlebar buttons.
+# ColorNormalTitleButton="rgb:C0/C0/C0"
+# Text color of titlebar buttons.
+# ColorNormalTitleButtonText="rgb:00/00/00"
+# Background of workspace buttons, ColorNormalButton is used if empty.
+# ColorNormalWorkspaceButton=""
+# Text color of workspace buttons, ColorNormalButtonText is used if empty.
+# ColorNormalWorkspaceButtonText=""
+# Background of the quick switch window.
+# ColorQuickSwitch="rgb:C0/C0/C0"
+# Rectangle arround the active icon in the quick switch window.
+# ColorQuickSwitchActive=""
+# Text color in the quick switch window.
+# ColorQuickSwitchText="rgb:00/00/00"
+# Scrollbar background (sliding area)
+# ColorScrollBar="rgb:A0/A0/A0"
+# Background of the arrow buttons in scrollbars (obsolete)
+# ColorScrollBarArrow="rgb:C0/C0/C0"
+# Background of the arrow buttons in scrollbars.
+# ColorScrollBarButton="rgb:C0/C0/C0"
+# Color of active arrows on scrollbar buttons.
+# ColorScrollBarButtonArrow="rgb:00/00/00"
+# Color of inactive arrows on scrollbar buttons.
+# ColorScrollBarInactiveArrow="rgb:80/80/80"
+# Background of the slider button in scrollbars.
+# ColorScrollBarSlider="rgb:C0/C0/C0"
+# Background of toolbar buttons, ColorNormalButton is used if empty.
+# ColorToolButton=""
+# Text color of toolbar buttons, ColorNormalButtonText is used if empty.
+# ColorToolButtonText=""
+# Background of tooltips.
+# ColorToolTip="rgb:E0/E0/00"
+# Text color of tooltips.
+# ColorToolTipText="rgb:00/00/00"
+# Resize corner width.
+# CornerSizeX=24 # [0-64]
+# Resize corner height.
+# CornerSizeY=24 # [0-64]
+# Horizontal dialog window border.
+# DlgBorderSizeX=2 # [0-128]
+# Vertical dialog window border.
+# DlgBorderSizeY=2 # [0-128]
+# List of gradient pixmaps in the current theme.
+# Gradients=""
+# Dimension of the large icons.
+# HugeIconSize=48 # [8-128]
+# Name of the input field font.
+# InputFontName="-misc-dejavu sans mono-medium-r-normal--14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
+# Name of the input field font.
+# InputFontNameXft="DejaVu Sans:size=12:bold"
+# Name of the label font.
+# LabelFontName="-misc-dejavu sans-medium-r-normal--14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
+# Name of the label font.
+# LabelFontNameXft="DejaVu Sans:size=12"
+# Dimension of the large icons.
+# LargeIconSize=32 # [8-128]
+# Name of the window list font.
+# ListBoxFontName="-misc-dejavu sans-medium-r-normal--12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
+# Name of the window list font.
+# ListBoxFontNameXft="DejaVu Sans:size=12"
+# The theme look.
+# Look="nice"
+# Vertical offset for the menu button icon.
+# MenuButtonIconVertOffset=0 # [-128-128]
+# Name of the menu font.
+# MenuFontName="-misc-dejavu sans-bold-r-normal--10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
+# Name of the menu font.
+# MenuFontNameXft="DejaVu Sans:size=10:bold"
+# Menu icon size.
+# MenuIconSize=16 # [8-128]
+# Name of the normal button font.
+# NormalButtonFontName="-misc-dejavu sans-medium-r-normal--12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
+# Name of the normal button font.
+# NormalButtonFontNameXft="DejaVu Sans:size=12"
+# Name of the normal task bar item font.
+# NormalTaskBarFontName="-misc-dejavu sans-medium-r-normal--12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
+# Name of the normal task bar item font.
+# NormalTaskBarFontNameXft="DejaVu Sans:size=12"
+# Name of the normal workspace button font (fallback: NormalButtonFontName).
+# NormalWorkspaceFontName="-misc-dejavu sans-medium-r-normal--12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
+# Name of the normal workspace button font (fallback: NormalButtonFontName).
+# NormalWorkspaceFontNameXft="DejaVu Sans:size=12"
+# Name of the font for Alt+Tab switcher window.
+# QuickSwitchFontName="-misc-dejavu sans mono-bold-r-normal--12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
+# Name of the font for Alt+Tab switcher window.
+# QuickSwitchFontNameXft="DejaVu Sans Mono:monospace:size=12:bold"
+# Horizontal margin of the quickswitch window.
+# QuickSwitchHorzMargin=3 # [0-64]
+# Distance between the active icon and it's border.
+# QuickSwitchIconBorder=2 # [0-64]
+# Vertical margin in the quickswitch window.
+# QuickSwitchIconMargin=4 # [0-64]
+# Height of the separator between (all reachable) icons and text, 0 to avoid it.
+# QuickSwitchSeparatorSize=6 # [0-64]
+# Vertical margin of the quickswitch window.
+# QuickSwitchVertMargin=3 # [0-64]
+# Does it support the 'O' title bar button images (for mouse rollover)
+# RolloverButtonsSupported=0 # 0/1
+# Scrollbar width.
+# ScrollBarX=16 # [0-64]
+# Scrollbar (button) height.
+# ScrollBarY=16 # [0-64]
+# Show application icon over menu button.
+# ShowMenuButtonIcon=1 # 0/1
+# Dimension of the small icons.
+# SmallIconSize=16 # [8-128]
+# Name of the status display font.
+# StatusFontName="-misc-dejavu sans mono-bold-r-normal--12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
+# Name of the status display font.
+# StatusFontNameXft="DejaVu Sans Mono:monospace:size=12:bold"
+# Task bar clock/battery monitor uses nice pixmap LCD display (but then it doesn't display correctly in many languages anymore, e.g., for Japanese and Korean it works only when a real font is used and not the LCD pixmaps.
+# TaskBarClockLeds=0 # 0/1
+# Height of taskbar monitoring applets.
+# TaskBarGraphHeight=20 # [16-1000]
+# Width of taskbutton side icons.
+# TaskbuttonIconOffset=0 # [0-16]
+# Name of the task bar temperature font.
+# TempFontName="-misc-dejavu sans mono-medium-r-normal--14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
+# Name of the task bar temperature font.
+# TempFontNameXft="DejaVu Sans Mono:monospace:size=12"
+# Theme author, e-mail address, credits.
+# ThemeAuthor=""
+# Description of the theme, credits.
+# ThemeDescription=""
+# Draw window title centered (obsoleted by TitleBarJustify)
+# TitleBarCentered=0 # 0/1
+# Title bar height.
+# TitleBarHeight=20 # [0-128]
+# Horizontal offset for the window title text.
+# TitleBarHorzOffset=0 # [-128-128]
+# Join title*S and title*T.
+# TitleBarJoinLeft=0 # 0/1
+# Join title*T and title*B.
+# TitleBarJoinRight=0 # 0/1
+# Justification of the window title.
+# TitleBarJustify=0 # [0-100]
+# Vertical offset for the window title text.
+# TitleBarVertOffset=0 # [-128-128]
+# Titlebar buttons from left to right (x=close, m=max, i=min, h=hide, r=rollup, s=sysmenu, d=depth)
+# TitleButtonsLeft="s"
+# Titlebar buttons from right to left (x=close, m=max, i=min, h=hide, r=rollup, s=sysmenu, d=depth)
+# TitleButtonsRight="xmir"
+# Titlebar buttons supported by theme (x,m,i,r,h,s,d)
+# TitleButtonsSupported="xmis"
+# Name of the title bar font.
+# TitleFontName="-misc-dejavu sans-medium-r-normal--12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
+# Name of the title bar font.
+# TitleFontNameXft="DejaVu Sans:size=12"
+# Name of the tool button font (fallback: NormalButtonFontName).
+# ToolButtonFontName="-misc-dejavu sans-medium-r-normal--12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
+# Name of the tool button font (fallback: NormalButtonFontName).
+# ToolButtonFontNameXft="DejaVu Sans:size=12"
+# Name of the tool tip font.
+# ToolTipFontName="-misc-dejavu sans-medium-r-normal--12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
+# Name of the tool tip font.
+# ToolTipFontNameXft="DejaVu Sans:size=12"
+# Surround the tray with plastic border.
+# TrayDrawBevel=0 # 0/1
+# Maximum scaled height of tray icons.
+# TrayIconMaxHeight=24 # [16-128]
+# Maximum scaled width of tray icons.
+# TrayIconMaxWidth=32 # [16-128]
+# icewmbg preferences
+# Seconds between cycling over all background images, default zero is off.
+# CycleBackgroundsPeriod=0 # [0-2147483647]
+# Display desktop background centered and not tiled.
+# DesktopBackgroundCenter=0 # 0/1
+# Desktop background color(s)
+# DesktopBackgroundColor=""
+# Desktop background image(s)
+# DesktopBackgroundImage=""
+# Paint the background image over all multihead monitors combined.
+# DesktopBackgroundMultihead=0 # 0/1
+# Resize desktop background to full screen.
+# DesktopBackgroundScaled=0 # 0/1
+# Color(s) to announce for semitransparent windows.
+# DesktopTransparencyColor=""
+# Image(s) to announce for semitransparent windows.
+# DesktopTransparencyImage=""
+# Choose a random selection from the list of background images.
+# ShuffleBackgroundImages=0 # 0/1
+# Support for semitransparent terminals like Eterm or gnome-terminal.
+# SupportSemitransparency=1 # 0/1
diff --git a/icewm/shutdown b/icewm/shutdown
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4fa7d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm/shutdown
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# /usr/share/icewm/shutdown
+# This script is used to execute additional commands at icewm session exit
+# killall xscreensaver
+# killall nm-applet
+# killall polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1
diff --git a/icewm/startup b/icewm/startup
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f626de2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm/startup
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# /usr/share/icewm/startup
+# This script is used to execute additional commands at icewm startup
+# The "sleep 1" is necessary if you will be starting anything with a tray icon
+# sleep 1
+# /usr/libexec/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 &
+# /usr/bin/nm-applet &
+# /usr/bin/xscreensaver -nosplash &
+/usr/bin/xmodmap -e "pointer = 3 2 1"&
+/usr/bin/setxkbmap "us,ru" -option "grp:caps_toggle,grp_led:scroll,compose:menu"&
+/usr/bin/feh --bg-scale ~/Pictures/Wallpapers/658781-slackware-wallpapers-1920x1080-hd-for-mobile.jpg &
+/usr/bin/xset s off&
+/usr/bin/xset b off&
+/usr/bin/redshift -l 56.2:44 -t 6500:5500&
+/home/sn4il/git/g810-led/bin/g810-led -a C34C17&
diff --git a/icewm/theme b/icewm/theme
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cea00c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm/theme
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
diff --git a/icewm/toolbar b/icewm/toolbar
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21e74ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm/toolbar
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# This is an example for icewm 3.3.0 toolbar definition file.
+# It will be installed as /usr/share/icewm/toolbar.
+# Place your variants in /etc/icewm or in $HOME/.icewm since
+# modifications to this file will be overwritten when you reinstall icewm.
+prog "kitty" utilities-terminal kitty
+prog "YaBrowser" web-browser flatpak run ru.yandex.Browser
+#prog "SeaMonkey" web-browser seamonkey
+prog "Mail" claws-mail rupost-desktop
+prog "Mousepad" mousepad mousepad
diff --git a/icewm/winoptions b/icewm/winoptions
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c1af7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icewm/winoptions
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# This is an example for icewm 3.3.0 window options file.
+# It will be installed as /usr/share/icewm/winoptions.
+# Place your variants in /etc/icewm or in $HOME/.icewm since
+# modifications to this file will be overwritten when you reinstall icewm.
+xterm.XTerm.icon: xterm
+rxvt.icon: xterm
+nxterm.icon: xterm
+fte.icon: fte
+emacs.Emacs.icon: emacs
+AWTapp.icon: java
+# make Evince resizable
+evince.dBorder: 1
+xeyes.ignoreWinList: 0
+xeyes.ignoreTaskBar: 1
+xeyes.allWorkspaces: 1
+xeyes.dTitleBar: 0
+xeyes.dBorder: 0
+xeyes.dSysMenu: 0
+xeyes.dResize: 0
+xeyes.dClose: 0
+xeyes.dMinimize: 0
+xeyes.dMaximize: 0
+xeyes.ignoreNoFocusHint: 1
+XClock.ignoreNoFocusHint: 1
+Vim.icon: vim
+applix.ignoreNoFocusHint: 1
+XDdts.noFocusOnAppRaise: 1
+Wingz.noFocusOnAppRaise: 1
+WingzPro.noFocusOnAppRaise: 1
+gkrellm.Gkrellm.allWorkspaces: 1
+gkrellm.Gkrellm.ignoreTaskBar: 1
+gkrellm.Gkrellm.layer: Below
+#gkrellm.Gkrellm.doNotCover: 1
+MainWindow.licq.allWorkspaces: 1
+MainWindow.licq.ignoreQuickSwitch: 1
+MainWindow.licq.ignoreWinList: 1
+MainWindow.licq.layer: Below
+#MainWindow.licq.doNotCover: 1